PC Gaming Protection
PC Gaming Security
XIGNCODE3 for PC Online game
XIGNCODE3 for PC is a global leading software, protecting over 150 online game titles globally.
It uses patented ‘one time execution code method’ to provide a reliable and affordable service.
XIGNCODE3 for PC is a global leading software, protecting over 150 online game titles globally.
It uses patented ‘one time execution code method’ to provide a reliable and affordable service.

- Hack user OS detections and bans
- Detects foreign connections and unauthorized IP bypass blocks
- Real time security update application through live game server & game client
- Creating new patterns by extracting suspicious logs
- Whitelist detection functions
- Detection and prevention of various macro input accessories
(ex: hardware mouse). - Bypass detections using algorithms of "WIN32 API executable code" and "onetime execution codes".
- Extraction of real-system ID/block connections using VPN detection functions.
- Ban list management using XIGNCODE3 Solomon system
- Prevention of resource file modification
- Enables creation of self-made patterns for real time updates
Customize your protection
We can customize or add features to meet your specific needs.
The benefit of ‘UNCHEATER’
- Provides Independent SDK
- Uses instant loading method
- Customized function additions are unlimited
- Provides optimized resources with minimized admin-rights
For more information about our UNCHEATER product, please contact us.
- For all our product lines, we provide a monitoring system.
- Our system is easily accessible by connecting to , without any further program installations.
All tasks related to XIGNCODE3® can be done through this system. We provide statistics reports as well as individual log data.
Statistical data is provided in daily, weekly, monthly, quarter and annual formats.
Update schedule
- Regular pattern update : once a month
- Continuous checking on hacking tools and distribution sites
- Irregular blocking patterns : when requested
- Server and Client SDK module : Whenever a new version is released or errors are confirmed
Module modification
- - False positive/error issue
- - Registration or update
- - Function updates
Modified version test
- - Test antivirus programs
- - Test various OS systems
- - Test modified function
Send Update version
- - Upload to the WCS
- - Send modified information
via E-mail
Module modification
- - Final test before going live
- - Apply to live server after
completion in test server
In case of false positives and errors
- Response and processing within 24 hours after receiving an inquiry via WCS, email, or phone.
- Additional support will be provided if module modifications and further confirmation is required.
Log Report/Inquiry
- - Report received
- - Analyze the issue and
perform internal test
Modified version release
- - Modified version released
Company : Address : #1107, Acehighend Tower 3, 145, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-868-8118 Fax : +82-2-868-0070
Tel : +82-2-868-8118 Fax : +82-2-868-0070